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Can Gum Disease Be Cured?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a common progressive condition affecting millions of people worldwide. The devastating gum infection can lead to bone and tooth loss, which is why our team at Dental Care of Madison emphasizes its prevention and treatment. Our goal is to help our valued patients maintain long-term healthy, beautiful smiles.

What Is Gum Disease and What Are Its Causes?

Gum or periodontal disease is a serious inflammation and infection of the tissues and bone supporting your teeth. It is usually painless in the early stage, called gingivitis, which is why it often goes unnoticed.

The leading cause of gum disease is plaque and tartar buildup under the gum line, which triggers an inflammatory response. That causes the gum tissues to pull away from the teeth and form spaces known as periodontal pockets. These pockets trap plaque and food debris, providing harmful bacteria the perfect environment to flourish. In its later stages, periodontal disease destroys the bone and tissues supporting your teeth, leading to bone loss, loose teeth, and tooth loss.

Additional risk factors for gum disease include poor oral hygiene, diabetes, smoking, genetics, aging, crooked teeth, certain medications, and hormonal changes during pregnancy.

What Are the Symptoms of Gum Disease?

The first warning signs of gum disease are red, swollen, or bleeding gums. As the condition progresses, symptoms may include bad breath, teeth that appear longer due to gum recession, loose teeth, and teeth that no longer fit together the way they did.

Can Gum Disease be Cured?

When treated in its earliest stages, gum disease is often reversible. However, once it progresses to periodontitis, it cannot be cured. The good news is that treatment and aftercare can usually prevent the condition from progressing. Keep in mind that the sooner gum disease is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcomes.

How Is Gum Disease Treated?

The treatment for gum disease will depend on its stage and progression. If treated early on, standard dental cleaning and good oral hygiene practices will likely return your gums to good health. If, however, the condition has progressed, we may recommend a deep dental cleaning known as scaling and root planing. That involves removing plaque and tartar from and below your gum line and cleaning your tooth root surfaces. The non-surgical treatment is one of the most effective ways to halt the progression of gum disease and promote healing.

Other treatment options may include antibiotics, antiseptic mouth rinses, or gum grafts if the gums have receded. Our team will discuss your treatment options and recommend the most conservative solution to restore your gum health.

After treatment, most patients will require periodontal maintenance visits every three to four months. These involve cleaning your teeth, evaluating your gum tissues, and measuring the depth of your periodontal pockets. We will intervene, as needed, to maintain your gum health. It’s also important to practice meticulous home oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing.

Gum Disease Treatment Near Me in Madison, MS

Contact Dental Care of Madison to learn more about preventing, treating, and managing gum disease to prevent its devastating effects on your oral health. Our experienced dentists are committed to helping our valued patients keep their gums and smiles as healthy as possible. Call us at (601) 898-9390 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!


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