5 Benefits of Flossing Your Teeth

2 Jan Blog-Flossing

Most people understand the value of brushing their teeth, but many do not realize that daily flossing is just as important. Incorporating daily flossing into your oral hygiene routine is an investment in your long-term oral health and overall well-being. Here are the five top reasons you should back up your twice-daily brushing routine with daily flossing.

1. Flossing Cleans Your Teeth Better Than Brushing Alone

Even with the most thorough brushing practices, plaque and food debris can get trapped between your teeth, providing harmful bacteria the ideal environment to flourish. Flossing cleans those tight areas between your teeth where the toothbrush bristles cannot reach, which helps remove plaque and prevents it from hardening to tartar.

2. Flossing Reduces the Risk of Tooth Decay

Plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on and between your teeth, is the leading cause of tooth decay. Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles, lowering your risk of cavities between your teeth. Flossing complements brushing by addressing the areas your toothbrush can reach, providing protection for your smile.

3. Flossing Helps Prevent Gum Disease

Flossing is one of the most effective ways to lower the risk of gum disease. Plaque accumulation between your teeth and along the gum line can lead to gingivitis, the earliest form of gum disease. If not treated, gingivitis can advance to a more serious condition known as periodontitis. The infection and inflammation can damage the connective tissues and bone holding the teeth in place, leading to bone loss, loose teeth, and even tooth loss.

4. Flossing Keeps Your Breath Fresh

Flossing is one of the most effective ways to combat bad breath, a condition known as halitosis. It does so by removing food particles, plaque, and odor-causing bacteria from between your teeth, which eliminates the sources of unpleasant breath.

5. Flossing Enhances Your Overall Health

The benefits of flossing extend beyond your oral health. Research shows a strong connection between periodontal disease and an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, and other serious health concerns. It can also exacerbate pre-existing conditions like diabetes. Worse yet, harmful oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream, posing a threat to your health. Flossing lowers the risk of gum disease, which, in turn, enhances your overall health.

Flossing Best Practices

Here are tips to help you floss your teeth properly:

1.Floss once a day, taking your time to clean thoroughly between your teeth.
2.Cut off an 18-20 inch strand of floss and wrap its ends around the middle fingers, leaving about two inches in between.
3.Hold the floss between your thumbs and forefingers.
4.Move the floss up and down between, ensuring it cleans the sides of each tooth.
5.Be careful when working against the gums - curve the floss into a “C” shape and gently slide it between your gums and teeth.
6.Use a fresh section of floss when moving from one tooth to the next.
7.Rinse with mouthwash or water to remove loose food particles or plaque.

Preventive Dental Care Near Me in Madison, MS

Contact Dental Care of Madison to learn more about maintaining good oral health. Our experienced dentists and dedicated team are pleased to demonstrate how to care for your smile. We also offer a range of preventive dentistry services to keep dental disease at bay. Call us at (601) 898-9390 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!